Friday, 24 August 2012

Why I Need Effective Communication Skills.

Communicating is a complex, two-way interaction or process. In my opinion, the complexity lies in the fact that multiple interpretations can be derived from the given speech. The message may not be transmitted or received with its original intention and meaning.

My initial understanding of effective communication is mainly how a person speaks and presents himself or herself. I always thought that anyone who speaks and writes well is one with good communication skills. However, the first three sessions of the module had proven me wrong. Through the presentations that my peers gave during lessons, I realized that having good listening skills is also crucial to communicating effectively.
Good listening skills would enable me to capture more accurate information and thus, it would allow me to make sound decisions based on the transmitted information. It flows. When I listen better, I understand better and it would make communication easier.  

Human are natural social creatures. We communicate and interact and through these processes, we define ourselves. I like to leave good impressions and I would like to portray myself in a way that I want others to see, thus having good communication skills would be the first step to take.  

Not forgetting, my graduation approaches. Job applications, writing resumes, interviews and job probation are all inevitable processes I have to go through. Everyone will strive to stand out so as to increase their chances of getting the job. I am no exception. Mostly importantly, what I want to take home from the module would be the ability for me to present myself not only professionally but also truthfully. I may not have outstanding academic or extra-curriculum records to boast but I do want to prove others that I have other qualities. Hence, having effective communication skills would allow me to present myself well so that people can judge me in a way that I want them to.